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Jose Luis Gonzalez is a poultry farmer in Colombia and a member of the Global Farmer Network. Here he talks about the importance of the network in helping farmers connect, learn from each other, and have a stronger voice for agriculture, together. To donate to the Global Farmer Network, klik Ieuh.

To learn more about how the GFN empowers farmers to share ideas through a strong voice, klik Ieuh.

Jose Luis Gonzalez Chacon

Jose Luis Gonzalez Chacon

Jose Luis mangrupikeun insinyur sipil anu parantos uih deui damel di kebon ternak kulawargana dina dua taun katukang. tani boga 13 gudang nu bisa imah leuwih ti 500,000 manuk sakaligus. Aya rencana pikeun ngawangun fasilitas anyar kalayan téknologi anu langkung ramah lingkungan, ngagunakeun tanaga surya sareng metode daur ulang cai supados perusahaan tetep héjo sabisa.

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