Global Farmer Network Appoints New Advisory Council Member


Монаси, ОН (новембар 10, 2020) — Глобална мрежа фармера (ГФН) is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Гилберт арап Бор, farmer from Kapseret, Кенија, to the GFN Advisory Board. Other Council members include Rob Horsch, Научник генетичких истраживања, Вашингтон, сад; Мариа Беатриз Пилу Гираудо, земљорадник, Аргентина; and Dr. ЦС Пракасх, Истраживач биљних биотехнологија, Универзитет Тускегее, Алабама, сад.

We are pleased to welcome Gilbert as a member of the GFN Advisory Council,” said Reg Clause, Chairman of the Global Farmer Network. “Gilbert brings a wealth of experience and expertise and will be a tremendous asset to our Network as we further our mission to amplify the farmers’ глас у промоцији трговине, технологија, одржива пољопривреда, економски раст, and food security.

The GFN Advisory Council is comprised of outstanding leaders from the global food and agriculture system who will offer perspective and guidance in the direction and operation of the GFN as well as raise awareness of the Network’s service to farmers world-wide. As collaborative partners with the farmers who make up the Global Farmer Network, the GFN Advisory Council members support the GFN objective to reframe the global dialogue regarding the benefits of trade, одрживост, science-based policy and regulations, innovative agricultural technology, nutrition and farmer livelihoods.

GFN Council member photos and biographies can be found under the Advisory Board section.

The Global Farmer Network is a non-profit advocacy group led by farmers from around the world who amplify the farmers’ глас у промоцији трговине, технологија, одржива пољопривреда, економски раст, и сигурност хране. The GFN was established in 2000, first as Truth About Trade and Technology.

Гилберт арап Бор

Гилберт арап Бор

Гилберт арап Бор гаји кукуруз (кукуруз), поврће и краве дојиље на малој фарми од 25 хектара у Капсерету, близу Елдорета, Кенија. Др Бор је и предавач маркетинга и менаџмента на Католичком универзитету источне Африке, Кампус Елдорет. Гилберт је примио 2011 ГФН Клецкнер Глобал Фарм Леадер награда и волонтери као члан Саветодавног савета Глобалне мреже фармера.

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