Transatlantic Ganacsiga iyo Iskaashiga Investment

Waxaad u Baahan Tahay Inaad Ogaato

Iskaashiga Ganacsiga iyo Maal-gashiga Transatlantic waa heshiis la soo jeediyay ganacsiga ee ka dhexeeya Midowga Yurub iyo Mareykanka. Ujeedada heshiiskan waa in la horumariyo kobcitaanka dhaqaalaha laba geesood ah.

Negotiations, halted by President Donald Trump resumed in July 2018. In April 2019, negotiations were declaredobsolete and no longer relevant.

Together, the United States and European Union represent 50% of global GDP and 40% of world trade. A trade agreement between these two would represent potentially the largest regional free-trade agreement in history.

Akhrinta Lagu taliyay

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