Bay-Smidt shares farmer’s views for Future-proofing soils


Global Farmer Network member Knud Bay-Smidt, Denmark was a participant in the International Fertilizer Association’s (IFA) official side-event to CFS-50 (Committee on World Food Security): “Future-proofing soils: the role of youth and actionable data for nature-positive food systems,” hosted by the government of Thailand.

In this clip from the recorded session, Knud talks about how data-based technology is used on his farm and the needs of future generation of farmers and how data on soil health can be useable: “The imagination is sometime overtaken by the opportunities.

Knud Bay-Smidt

Knud Bay-Smidt

Knud waxaa lagu soo barbaariyey beertii jiilka 4aad ee qoyska. Kulliyadda ka dib, beertiisa ayuu ka bilaabay 1987 taas oo ah beer kaliya oo la beeran karo, oo ku salaysan nidaamka No-Till. Wuxuu beeraa sarreen, shaciir, kufsiga miraha iyo saliidda. Ka 1990-2010, waxa uu soo gatay oo u dhoofin jiray mashiinada ag 12 wadamada Yurub, Afrika, Koonfur iyo Koonfur Bari Aasiya iyo Bariga Dhexe. Hadda waa wakiilka iibka ee mashiinada No-Till. Hadda, waxa uu sidoo kale ku baranayaa saamaynta beeruhu ku leeyihiin deegaanka ku dhow dhow dugsiga sare ee cilmiga.

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