Todos nós pagamos um preço quando a política atrapalha o comércio


President Obama’s trip to Japan is already a missed opportunity—and Congress deserves a share of the blame.

The White House had hoped to use the president’s visit to Tokyo this week to announce a breakthrough in trade talks, as President Obama embarks on a four-nation tour of Asia. Now it appears that won’t happen: “A stalemate continues,” said Japanese economics minister Akira Amari, according to Reuters.

Everybody knew progress would be tough: The United States and Japan are already close trading partners, and bringing us closer together will involve hard choices on agriculture (para o japão) and cars and trucks (for the United States). So the sluggish pace of these negotiations is no surprise.

Yet Americans should demand success.

The benefits of a Trans-Pacific Partnership are enormous. If the United States and Japan complete this trade pact with ten other Pacific Rim nations, global exports could grow by more than $300 billion per year by 2025, according to the Peterson Institute for International Economics. And the United States would enjoy a big chunk of this commerce: $123 bilhão.

That would translate into a lot of jobs in the factories and on the farms of the United States.

None of it will happen, Contudo, if the president lacks Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), a legislative tool that allows the administration to bargain with other countries and then submit trade agreements to Congress for an up-or-down vote. Foreign governments want to work out deals with the U.S. Trade Representative—not with the U.S. Trade Representative plus 535 members of Congress, all of them with their own agendas and the power to offer amendments.

Since the advent of TPA in the 1970s, every president has enjoyed this tool for at least a portion of his time in office, with the exception of President Obama. TPA last expired in 2007 and Congress has refused to renew it.

Partisanship plays a big role. No passado, Democrat-controlled Congresses have refused to approve TPA for Republican presidents and Republican-controlled Congresses have refused to approve TPA for Democratic presidents. Em cima disso, many Democrats are outright protectionists: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, um democrata, publicly announced he opposes TPA for President Obama.

Whatever the motives of individual lawmakers, the collective failure of Congress to approve TPA is now hurting America’s ability to talk trade with Japan. No início deste mês, Está. Rob Portman, an Ohio Republican who was President Bush’s trade ambassador, told the Wall Street Journal that “Japan is reluctant to make big concessions because of concerns that Congress could end up asking for more later.

Em outras palavras, Japan doesn’t want to make a deal that Congress might scuttle through legislative trickery.

This is precisely the problem TPA is designed to resolve.

The beauty of TPA is that it frees the executive branch to negotiate with foreign governments while also preserving the authority of Congress to approve or disapprove of the result. It just prevents Congress from messing up a sensible deal with amendments meant to serve special interests.

Here in the state of Washington, we need TPA because we need TPP: Foreign trade is a key to our profitability, especially for those of us who farm. We export huge amounts of apples, cerejas, pears, trigo, and wine to Asia.

Without these exports, many of us wouldn’t be able to farm at all.

I grow alfalfa seed, and between 30 e 40 percent of it goes abroad. O que mais, the alfalfa seed I sell to American producers grows a crop with a big export market. Millions of metric tons of alfalfa hay ship out of Portland, Seattle, and other ports for overseas customers. Our most dependable buyer is Japan.

So when I look at the possibility of the United States and Japan reaching an agreement on TPP, I see nothing but economic opportunity—and I’m disappointed to watch politics get in the way of jobs for Americans.

When things go wrong in the world, members of Congress love to blame the White House. In this case, things aren’t going right—and Congress has the ability to help them go better. We’re all paying a price for its refusal.

Mark Wagoner is a third generation farmer in Walla Walla County, Washington where they raise alfalfa seed. Mark volunteers as a Board member for Truth About Trade & Tecnologia (

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*Nota – this column appeared in The Washington Times posted Apr 23 as ‘Protectionists blocking trade with Asia

Mark Wagoner

Mark Wagoner

Mark Wagoner é uma terceira geração da família fazendeiro no sudeste do Estado de Washington, onde crescem alfafa semente para quatro grandes empresas de sementes. Baseando-se na abelha alcalino, uma abelha do assentamento terra nativa, e as abelhas para a polinização cortadeiras, Mark trabalha com a alfafa e forragem Aliança Nacional ea Agência de Proteção Ambiental (EPA) para garantir que seguros e eficazes inseticidas estão disponíveis para uso durante o vôo abelha. Mark é voluntário como membro do conselho da Global Farmer Network.

voluntários marca como um membro do conselho da Rede fazendeiro Global e numerosos outros conselhos que tratam de questões de uso da água e da terra. Ele foi nomeado para o Departamento de Ecologia do Estado de Washington Walla Walla Valley 2050 Comitê, um grupo de planejamento para melhorar a disponibilidade de água no Vale. Ele trabalha diligentemente para desenvolver e implementar estratégias de coexistência para a produção convencional, alfafa orgânica e geneticamente melhorado.

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