Mali: Farmer’s Access to Capital Key to Food Security, Criação de emprego


Membro da Global Farmer Network Amadou Sidibe a partir de Mali was featured about a project he’s involved with in his home country in West Africa.

Growing Food in Mali For Mali by the USAID Development Credit Authority focuses on a major problem faced by farmers in many areas of the world. “Access to credit for agriculture in Mali is one of the key constraints to growth in the sectorand was a major hurdle that impeded Amadou before working with this private capital project.

Once he was able to access capital for his business Sidibé Agro-techniques, Amadou has done amazing things

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Amadou Sidibe

Amadou Sidibe

Amadou é um arquiteto de profissão, que investiu na criação de uma estufa de alta tecnologia para trazer os preços estáveis ​​para verduras fora de época no Mali. As estufas usar a produção sem solo, controle de temperatura, nebulização, tela de alumínio e de reciclagem de água.

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