Please allow me to introduce the Global Farmer Network


sausio 7, 2016 Bill Horan began the first column for 2016 with these words: ??Please allow me to introduce the Global Farmer Network?

Bill used that column to share with you, our readers, the thought and deliberation that went into what became a rebranding of the group you knew as Truth About Trade & Technology.? We chose to become the Global Farmer Network because each word tells a story:

  • Mes?re global in our impact and our geography.
  • Mes?re farmers who work the land.
  • Mes?re a network whose members are committed to the promotion of free trade and access to technology.

Mes?ve celebrated the start of a new year. ??Mes?ve announced our new name. Šiandien, we are thrilled to unveil our new look!? Už praeitį 16 metų, you?ve been able to read and listen to ?our truths? regarding trade and technology through weekly columns, podcasts and speaking engagements with the TATT website serving as the base of the TATT communication platform.? Lately, we?ve expanded our message delivery by building a presence on social media, which didn?t even exist when we got started!

The new Global Farmer Network website is a resource tool that is easy to use and contains the information you need to be up to date on the topics of trade and technology access as it impacts the world?s food and nutritional security.? All of it delivered to you with the voice and perspective of a global farmer.

Tai week?s column is authored by Timas Burrack, an Iowa farmer and GFN Board member who plans to participate in the Iowa Presidential caucus on Monday, vasaris 1. What you will notice right away is how the new website highlights Tim?s comments as the lead article on an Issue page that is dedicated to trade.? On that same page, you will find recommended reading on the topic as well as previous columns written by members of the Global Farmer Network on similar topics.? A one-stop shop for everything you want to know about trade and politics!? If you are interested in the Trans Pacific Partnership ? there is an issue page for that topic too! And we?ve done the same on the technology side.? Our goal is to get you the information you are looking for as efficiently and effectively as possible.

We invite you to tour the site, share it with your friends and let us know what you think.? Our mission remains the same: ?Bringing the authentic voices of men and women who occupy the front lines of feeding the world into the public debate about the benefits of free trade and agricultural technology.

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One thought on “Please allow me to introduce the Global Farmer Network

  1. Sir gd morning.I am a grass root agriculture graduate and involved in intensive agriculture for past 25 system of kadiramangalam system of rice intensification is posted in Cornell web also.I regularly following tatt.i am really impressed with your work.all the best.i like to get associated wirh your work.awaiting your reply