Celebrating World Milk Day; Mexico-Milking Cows


June 1 is World Milk Day, so it’s appropriate to join Gina Gutierrez on a tour of her family’s dairy barn. She explains how dairy farming is very important for sustainable food systems.

World Milk Day is an international day established by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to recognize the importance of milk as a global food. #WorldMilkDay

Georgina Gutierrez

Georgina Gutierrez

Gina Gutierrez is serving as Community Outreach Agvocate for the Global Farmer Network. She is a 5th generation dairy farmer from the central region of Mexico. In 2015, Gina started a Facebook page advocating for the dairy industry. La Vida Lactea iam prope est 60,000 sectatores. She completed a Master's Degree in Corporate Law. She writes regularly for Ganadero and Holstein de Mexico magazine. In 2018, Global Gina et lucratus est agricola Network Kleckner Award.
