Producing Milk in Harmony with Nature


Our goal as dairy farmers in the Netherlands is to produce the world’s best milk in harmony with nature.

We pay a lot of attention to the welfare of the cows and the people who work on our farm. Both, they have to feel comfortable and okay.

We produce a delicious drink that is part of a healthy diet—and we strive to supply it in a sustainable way.

That means being super-efficient and keeping our carbon footprint as small as possible.

This surprises a lot of people. Many of them mistakenly think that farmers don’t care about the climate or the environment.

Yet on our 농장, we’re reminded of our surroundings every day.

We’re close to the Wadden Sea, in the northernmost part of the Netherlands. This proximity affects everything we do—and it has given us a remarkable opportunity to produce our own energy on our farm for our herd of about 350 animals on 100 헥타르.

The energy that our farm requires comes entirely from the wind and the sun.

Our reliance on these renewable resources is one of the ways we work in harmony with nature.

But that’s not all. We’re blessed with a rich and loamy soil, which we’ve improved with drainage tiles that allow us to keep the water table low in a technique that reduces soil erosion, boosts biodiversity, and allows us to use innovative feeding strategies.

We grow a wide range of crops, such as grass, 클로버, fodder beets, 전체 식단에서 두 번째로 큰 부분을 차지하는. We also exchange goods and services with neighboring farmers. As we trade crops, 비료, and labor in an intensive system for mutual advantage, we produce our milk with low levels of protein in the feed ration, which in turn reduces the amount of methane that our cows emit.

That’s good for the climate.

Another aspect of our sustainability is efficiency. 이후 1998, we’ve milked our dairy cows with robots, which may sound like science fiction but for us is now an ordinary way of doing business. We also keep our cows in comfort stalls, which is good for their health and production. It lets us work with older animals and enjoy low rates of culling.

So we’re doing more with less.

We seek to tell our story because it seems these days that everybody has an opinion about agriculture. This can be especially true among the people who know the least about it.

Yet they’re also ready to learn.

We discovered this shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine two years ago. 갑자기, nobody in the Netherlands could find sunflower oil in their shops.

Many consumers had come to believe that they could buy anything at any time. They took farmers for granted.

It wasn’t entirely their fault. Lots of people today grow up without farmers in their families or among their friends. They don’t know how much work and innovation goes into food production.

When the war disrupted everything, people realized that there’s nothing automatic about the availability and abundance of what we eat.

They started listening more to farmers. We saw one result in last year’s Dutch provincial elections, when voters handed victories to a farmer-friendly political party.

That’s what can happen when farmers tell their stories.

We do this all the time, 물론이야. I recently returned from a visit to New Zealand, a major dairy producer that is about as far away from the Netherlands as you can get—it’s almost exactly on the opposite side of the planet.

When I go abroad, I spend most of my time meeting and collaborating with other farmers, engaging in the knowledge transfer that helps us understand our common challenges and share potential solutions.

Yet we must also take the time to talk to the public.

Our world is going to need 50 percent more food by 2050, due to population growth as well as a rising middle class with better incomes.

Success will require trade, 과학 기술, 그리고 더. Most of all, 하나, it will require farmers to describe their practices and communicate their ideas about production and sustainability.

If you want food, you need farmers.

And if you want milk made in harmony with nature, you need farmers like me.

아드 반 벨데

아드 반 벨데

Ad van Velde는 네덜란드 북부의 낙농업자입니다.. 그의 가족 농장에서, 그는 우유 200 약간의 외부 노동이 있는 소. 농장은 모든 소를 사육합니다.. 광고는 이후로 농사를 짓고 있습니다. 1979. 그는 착유 로봇을 사용해온 혁신가입니다. 1998. 유제품은 무항생제 및 기후 중립을 향해 나아가고 있습니다., 또한 우유 생산을 개선하기 위해 새로운 기술을 신속하게 채택합니다.. 그의 우유는 NoorderlandMilk로 배달됩니다., Ad가 설립한 협동조합 2006.
광고는 풀을 자랍니다, 자주 개자리, 배수 타일이 필요한 찰흙 토양에 사탕무와 옥수수. 농장은 지역의 농작물 농부들과 집중적으로 협력하고 있습니다., 토지를 교환하고 다른 농부들에게 거름을 제공. Ad는 Wageningen University와 여러 프로젝트를 진행 중입니다.. 그는 또한 DairyNext를 소유하고 있습니다., 비즈니스 개발 컨설팅. 그는 또한 인도의 낙농 프로젝트 파트너이기도 합니다..
국제적 안목과 매우 넓은 네트워크를 가진 농부입니다.. Ad는 그 이후로 Global Dairy Farmers의 사장이었습니다. 2017.

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