トレード: 国内および外交政策を接続するキーストーン


In all three of their debates, President Obama and Mitt Romney both mentioned international trade and how it benefits the United States.

“We signed three trade deals into law that are helping us to double our exports and sell more American products around the world,” said Obama on October 3, referring to one of his administration’s economic success stories.

“I want to add more free trade agreements so we have more trade,” said Romney on October 16, suggesting that he’ll pursue trade diplomacy even more aggressively.

Each time they faced off, the Democratic and Republican contenders were eager to talk trade. It didn’t matter how the Commission on Presidential Debates tried to define the events it sponsored. The first debate focused on domestic issues, the last one concentrated on foreign policy, and the middle forum included both. Trade came up every time.

Yet neither candidate spoke directly about what may be the most essential point about the flow of goods and services across borders: ç±³. trade policies prop up commerce all over the world. Global prosperity depends on an America committed to free-trade leadership.

This simple fact became obvious during the festivities surrounding the World Food Prize in Des Moines last month. My organization, 貿易に関する真実 & 技術, held the seventh annual Global Farmer Roundtable, an occasion for farmers from different countries to gather and discuss their common challenges and opportunities. 今年, we hosted 15 からの農家 13 国, including Zimbabwe, ニュージーランド, ウルグアイ.

I wish Obama and Romney could have taken a break from the campaign trail and listened to our guests as they described how farmers and their families depended on the United States for leadership, vision and inspiration.

Because of the United States leadership, the world has come together to lower trade barriers, making it possible for farmers to feed the planet by selling what they grow to consumers they’ll never meet.

Because of the United States leadership, biotechnology holds out the hope for greater agricultural productivity, making it possible to keep up with rising populations.

Because of the United States leadership, global shipping lanes are open and safe, making it possible for merchants to move their products without fear of coordinated military strikes or random acts of piracy.

Americans make all of this possible, but we benefit from it too. The presence of trade encourages peace and prosperity everywhere.

こう考えてみてください: Like the keystone that supports an arch, our trade policy connects domestic and foreign policy. If the keystone crumbles or vanishes, then the arch collapses, leaving only ruin.

In the third presidential debate, Romney came close to making this point. He cited Admiral Michael Mullen, the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who said that America’s top national security threat isn’t China, イラン, or Russia. It isn’t even Islamic terrorists. その代わり, it’s our national debt.

If the United States loses economic strength, then the world will become significantly less peaceful and prosperous. その代わり, it will descend into war and destitution.

Obama added his own observation: “We’ve got to make sure that our economy is strong at home so that we can project military power overseas.”

The good news is that neither Obama nor Romney is a protectionist. From time to time, they have spoken harshly about Chinasometimes even a little too harshlybut they have refused to go over to the dark side of economic isolationism.

これは当たり前のことです. In the heat of election contests, office seekers frequently try to pander to struggling voters by blaming foreign trade for America’s ills. に 2008, when he was a senator running for the White House, candidate Obama threatened to pull out of NAFTA.

Whether he truly meant what he said at the time or merely wanted to stoke populist passions is now a question for historians: 社長として, he abandoned this rhetoric and became an advocate of global commerce. ロムニー, 彼の側としては, has pledged to expand trade, especially with Latin America.

選挙当日, only one man can prevail. Let’s hope that no matter who comes out on top, free trade triumphs as well. Then everybody wins.

ビル・ホランは、トウモロコシを栽培します, ノースセントラルアイオワ州に拠点を置く家族の農場で弟と大豆や他の穀物. ビルは役員としてボランティアとして参加し、「貿易の真実」の会長を務めています & 技術 (www.truthabouttrade.org).




ビル・ホランは、トウモロコシを栽培します, ノースセントラルアイオワ州に拠点を置く家族の農場で弟と大豆や他の穀物. ビルはグローバル・ファーマーネットワークのためのボードメンバーとしてボランティア.
