

For the first time in the sixteen year history of the commercial production of biotech crops, more acres where planted in developing countries in 2012 than developed ones, 219 million acres versus 202 万エーカー, according to estimates by the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Application (Ishaaa). の 219 million acres in developing countries, 171 million acres where in six South American countries with large farms much like developed countries. The remaining acres are in countries with large numbers of limited-resource farmers.

India has the largest biotech crop acreage among counties with large numbers of limited-resource farmers with 7.2 million farmers growing 26.7 million acre of biotech cotton, 平均で 3.7 エーカー. HISによると, for 11years biotech cotton has helped suppress the cotton bollworm in India, with the adoption rate reaching 93 パーセントで 2012. Based on adoption rates in the U.S. およびその他の国, 93 percent is probably near the optimal rate. The number of farmers growing cotton increased from 5.0 万人で 2002-03 に 7.6 万人で 2012-13, and production increased from 13.6 100万俵 2002 に 25.5 100万俵 2012. According to estimates by USDA, yields in India have increased from about 270 pounds per acre before the introduction of hybrid and biotech cotton to 450 近年の1エーカーあたりのポンド. Herbicide resistant cotton will enter the market in the near future to further increase yields by controlling weeds and conserving moisture.

China had the next largest acreage of biotech crops in 2012 に 9.7 million acres of cotton grown by 7.2 million limited-resource farmers. China also had 15,500 acres of virus resistant papaya and 1,200 acres of biotech poplar trees. China first grew biotech cotton in 1997 and now has an 80 percent adoption rate. に 2009 government regulators approved domestically-developed biotech phytase corn and two varieties of rice now undergoing extensive field trials before release for commercial production. The biotech rice could benefit 110 中国の100万世帯と別の米作農家 140 million rice producers in the rest of Asia.

Pakistan has grown biotech cotton for only three year, but already has an adoption rate of 82 パーセント, とともに 700,000 limited-resource farmers growing 6.9 万エーカー. Farmers can choose from 16 insect resistant biotech varieties. Yields had been almost stagnant for the past two decades, and Pakistan hopes to become a consistent exporter of cotton. A similar production opportunity exists for corn.

Limited-resource farmers in the Philippines growing biotech corn on an average of 5 acres increased to 375,000 に 2012. The country’s biotech crop plantings totaled 1.9 万エーカー. Second generation Golden Rice is being field tested at the Philippine Rice Research Institute and the International Rice Research Institute. Fruit and shoot borer resistant eggplants are also being developed.

ç´„ 100,000 farmers with an average of 7.4 acres planted commercial biotech cotton in 2012 for the fifth year in Burkina Faso in West Africa. Plantings of 775,000 acres of biotech cotton were 51 percent of total cotton acreage which increased 27 からのパーセント 2011. Data from biotech plantings in 2011 showed yields almost 20 percent higher than conventional cotton, 2 sprayings of insecticides instead of 6 and a net gain in income of $95 刺激的な. Two thirds of the additional income from higher yields and lower insecticide expenses is retained by the farmers and one-third goes to the technology developers and the local seed companies. Cotton is the principal cash crop for the country and provides over 50 percent of the country’s export earnings.

The South Asian country of Myanmar produced insect resistant biotech cotton for the seventh year in 2012. ç´„ 428,000 farmers grew an average of 1.7 acres and a total of 741,000 エーカー, 84 percent of the total cotton acres in the country. Agriculture accounts for half of the nation’s GDP and 70 雇用の割合. The ‘Silver Sixth’ variety was developed, produced and distributed by the Myanmar Industrial Crops Development Enterprise.

The Republic of Sudan in northeastern Africa in 2012 became the fourth country in Africa to commercialize a biotech crop with 49,000 acres of biotech cotton grown in irrigated and rainfed areas. 約 10,000 農家が植え 2.5-6.0 エーカー; acreage was limited by seed availability. Total cotton area is about 370,000 エーカー. Chinese biotech cotton was used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the technology in controlling bollworms. Agriculture employs about 80 percent of the population and accounts for a third of GDP; cotton is a major agricultural export product.

に 2012 Egypt planted 2,500 acres of biotech corn before temporary planting restrictions were placed on the crop. に 2011, 7,000 acres were planted. This work is part of Egypt’s Agricultural Genetic Engineering Research Institute, the leading crop biotech institute in the Arab world. They are researching other biotech crops like wheat, barley and cotton. Egypt is extremely land constrained, but agriculture continues to provide 13 percent of GDP and almost 30 雇用の割合. Egypt imports about 50 percent of the food consumed by its 80 万人.

Cuba is now growing biotech corn with ‘regulated commercialization’ in which farmers seek permission to grow the crop. に 2011, farmers grew an estimated 12,400 バイオテクノロジートウモロコシのエーカー, そして、で 2012 農家が植え 7,400 acres of hybrid biotech corn. Cuba has joined other late adopters of modern seed technology by introducing the two technologies at the same time. The program is part of an ecological sustainable pesticide-free program. The major threat in Cuban corn is the fall armyworm, and reducing insecticides with biotech seed protects beneficial insects and increases yields up to 30 パーセント. The technology was developed by the Havana-based Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology.

The information gathered by the ISAA shows that biotechnology is producer size neutral. Limited-resource farmers at the edge of the market economy can use the technology as effectively as large scale farmers if a responsive regulatory structure exists and a local seed industry can pull the technology through the development chain. Researchers in these countries have also shown that biotechnology is a proven technology that can be replicated in developing countries, tailored to meet the specific needs of local producers and provide benefits to agricultural producers and consumers.

Ross Korves is an Economic Policy Analyst with 展覧会についての真実 & 技術 (www.truthabouttrade.org). フォローする: Twitterで@TruthAboutTrade | 展覧会についての真実 & Facebook上での技術.



ロスKorvesは展覧会についての真実を務めました & 技術, それは、グローバル・ファーマーネットワークになる前に, から 2004 – 2015 経済貿易政策アナリストとして、.

農業生産にとって重要な経済問題を調査し、分析します, ロスは経済政策分析のインターフェースと政治プロセスに関する親密な理解を提供しました.

氏. Korvesはからのエコノミストとしてアメリカのファームビューロー連盟を務めました 1980-2004. 彼は4月からチーフエコノミストを務めていました 2001 9月を通して 2003 9月からシニアエコノミストのタイトルを開催しました 2003 8月まで 2004.

生まれ育った南部イリノイ養豚農場で、南イリノイ大学で教育を受けました, ロスは、アグリビジネス経済学の修士号を取得します. 彼の調査・研究は、Aとドイツでの彼の仕事を通じて、国際的拡大しました 1984 マクロイ農業フェロー、日本への研修旅行で 1982, ザンビア、ケニアで 1985 そしてドイツの 1987.
