Vidio: Climate Change and Agriculture in Zimbabwe


The video is in English with French subtitles, while the print is translated from the original French as it appears at the AFDI (Agriculteurs Franais et Dveloppement International) website on July 10, 2019 kei na YouTube post of this video on July 9. Ruramiso Mashumba from Zimbabwe is a member of the Global Farmer Network and participated at the International Young FarmersSummit (SIJA) in April 2019 in Paris, Varanise.

SIJA 2019: Climate Change and Agriculture in Zimbabwe

On the occasion of the International Young FarmersSummit (SIJA) in April 2019 in Paris, Ruramiso Mashumba, President of the Youth Section of the Zimbabwe Farmers Union, talks about the effects of climate change. It evokes the rarity of the rains and the disturbances which accompany it. Farmers must both adapt and reduce their CO2 emissions. It goes through training and awareness.

More informaton about the event and additional videos can be seen here: Installation, climate impact: video testimonials from young farmers in Africa, Europe and North America at 2018 SIJA

Ruramiso Mashumba

Ruramiso Mashumba

Ruramiso Mashumba e veiqaravi tiko ena GFN me veiliutaki ni iwasewase: Aferika. O Ruramiso e dua na yalewa dauteitei gone mai Marondera, Zimbabwe ka tauyavutaki ni Mnandi Africa, e dua na isoqosoqo e vukei ira na marama ena vanua vakakoro me valuta na dravudravua kei na kanavakaca. Sa vuli tiko oqo me baleta e dua na MBA ena kakana tudei kei na teitei. Na dauteitei ni trailblazing e taura tu e vica na veivakacaucautaki kei na rawa ka ki na yacana ka ivakadinadina ni cakacaka vakasakiti e cakava tiko ena tabana ni teitei e Zimbabwe. Sa kilai o Ruramiso me 2020 GFN Kleckner iCovi.

Biuta e dua na isaunitaro