No-till Field Management Benefits


Jake Freestone, a member of the Global Farmer Network from the UK shares a look at his no-till farming system and its benefits to the wider environment and how no-till protects the soil. Watch as he demonstrates how a liter of water is absorbed in the no-till soil like a sponge full of organic matter to store water for dry periods. Prior to planting with a food crop, the cover crop is removed.

Jake Freestone

Jake Freestone

O Jake Freestone na manidia ni iteitei mai Overbury iteitei, e tiko ena ra kei Midlands, Matanitu cokovata, ka ra vakatubura kina na nodra witi na madrai, rapeseed waiwai, malting bali, peas, linseed ka soya vata kei na 1,200 ewes.

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