New Zealand Farm Tour-Carrot Seed Pollination


Craige Mackenzie is a farmer from New Zealand, a GFN member and also serves on the Global Farmer Network board of directors. One of the crops he grows on his farm is carrot seed. Hemen, he shows us how the crop is pollinated.

Klikatu hemen Global Farmer Network sareari dohaintza egiteko.

Craige Mackenzie

Craige Mackenzie

Geroztik nekazaritza 1978 buruzko 200 hektareako - garia barne haziak, belarra, festua, azenario hibridoak, errefautxo hibridoa, espinakak eta txikoria; erabili laborantza sentsorea, lurzoruaren kartografia, ongarrien tasa aldakorra aplikatzea, produktu kimikoak eta ureztapena. Bazkideak a 1200 behi esnekia. Craige volunteers as a board member for the Global Farmer Network.

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