Mark your calendars! The Global Farmer Network is excited to host a webinar focused on successful no-till and livestock integration practices.

Join us on abril 18 a 2:00 PM GMT. GFN members Gabriel Carballal (Uruguay) and Rory Christie (Reino Unido) will share valuable insights from their personal experiences.

Register aquí.

Join us and see our enfoque liderado por los agricultores in action, with exceptional voices ready to share their expertise:

  • Gabriel Carballal prides himself in using the latest technology as he grows wheat, cebada, canola, avena, soja y maíz, así como raigrás y otros forrajes para su ganado vacuno..
  • cristian rory specializes in pastoral dairy and pig production. Implementa prácticas progresistas y está interesado en alinear las demandas de la agricultura y los consumidores/minoristas con objetivos netos cero en mente..

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