2018 Mesa Redonda Global Farmer – ANUNCIO. Alvarez De las Filipinas


los 2018 Global Farmer mesa redonda está prevista para octubre 16-17 en Des Moines, Iowa – coinciding with the week of the World Food Prize Borlaug Dialogue and International Symposium.

As the Roundtable approaches GFN is introducing this year’s participants. It started with Bill Crabtree de Australia y Edgard Ramírez de Argentina so now we’re checking in with A.D. Alvarez who farms in the Phillipines…

Granjero: Ariel Dave Alvarez

País: Phillipines

Donde se encuentra la granja?

ANUNCIO. Alavarez is the third Filipino farmer to attend the Global Farmer Roundtable. Global Farmer Network members Rosalie Ellasus (2007 ganador del premio Kleckner ) and Roger Navarro are the others.

Our farm is located in a group of small islands called Camotes Islands in Cebu, Philippines in the town called San Francisco.

Lo que hace su mirada granja como? ¿Cuál es el tamaño de la comunidad? ¿Qué cultivan o aumento?

My main farm is 8 ha [just under 20 hectáreas] farm land and serves as our base. For our corn production, we rent an additional 25 a 35 hectáreas [acerca de 62 a 86 hectáreas] of fields. Our farming work is also about Community Development using farming as a tool to help other farmers improve their farming techniques and get them out of poverty.

¿Qué es lo que espera a la mayoría mientras se prepara para participar en el 2018 Mesa Redonda Global Farmer?

I’m looking forward most to participating in the 2018 Global Farmer Roundtable and sit among amazing fellow farmers from different parts of the globe mainly to share their experiences, perspectives and challenges to develop a global outlook on how we can further enhance our farming in view of the urgency of increasing population, dwindling numbers of farmlands and climate challenges. I am also looking forward to participating in discussions of how we can further integrate and network ourselves so we can have an impact in our own local farming communities that will represent our participation as a GFN representative to our communities.

The palm trees are a giveaway that this corn is not in Iowa, but rather Alvarez’s farm in the Philippines.

Adriel Dave 'AD' Alvarez

Alvarez Adriel de Dave 'AD'

Granjas en un grupo de pequeñas islas llamadas Islas Camotes en Cebú, Filipinas. La granja está 8 hectáreas y alquilan 25-35 hectáreas para la producción de maíz. La misión de la granja está conectada con el desarrollo comunitario y la idea de utilizar la agricultura como una herramienta para ayudar a otros agricultores a mejorar sus técnicas para sacarlos de la pobreza.

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