Kenya Farm Tour-Dairy, Biogas


Gilbert Bor is a small scale farmer in Kenya. In this video he shows us how he checks the weight of his heifers to make sure they’re growing properly and he also shows us how he and his wife use cow dung in a biogas digester to produce gas for cooking.

Gilbert arap Bor

Gilbert arap Bor

Gilbert arap Bor cultiva blat de moro (blat de moro), hortalisses i vaques lleteres en una granja de petites dimensions 25 hectàrees a Kapseret, a prop d’Eldoret, Kenya. El Dr Bor també és professor de màrqueting i gestió a la Universitat Catòlica de l'Àfrica Oriental, Campus Eldoret. Gilbert va rebre el 2011 Premi GFN Kleckner Global Farm Leader i voluntaris com a membre del Global Farmer Network Advisory Council.

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