
Why join us in our mission to AMPLIFY THE FARMERSVOICE?

Your gift enables the Global Farmer Network (gfn) to continue to provide a forum for global farmers to share their stories and a from-the-field perspective with other farmers, verbruikers, opinion, and policy leaders.

Join donors from around the world supporting the GFN

This map shows the widespread support for the GFN across the globe. Each colored country on the map signifies the presence of donors who have contributed to support the GFN. This geographic diversity underscores the global nature of our mission and the widespread recognition of the importance of amplifying the farmers’ voice.

With your support, together we can amplify farmersvoices

Help us build global advocates

Your gift to the Global Farmer Network Foundation is tax-deductible. To learn more about the opportunity to become a GFN Impact Investor, please contact Mary at +515.274.0800 of [email protected].

Shekhar Bhadsavle, India explains how the GFN is uniquely positioned to solve two important problems in the world, klimaatsverandering en honger.
Geduld Koku, Nigeria reveals how learning happens when top farmers from around the world are brought together.
Javier Callegas, Nicaragua tells how the GFN brings farmers from around the world to a learning exchange for ideas a new perspective.
Jose Luis Gonzalez, Columbia shares the importance of the GFN in helping farmers connect, to learn from each other, and together, have a stronger voice for agriculture.



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