Xarxa Global Farmer: Connectant els pagesos i amplificant les nostres veus.

Xarxa Global Farmer: One Voice

The GFN is a global organization that connects farmers of different genders, farm sizes, types, and locations around the world. Despite speaking different languages and having unique voices, they share a common passion and commitment to amplify their message and show unity as a community. The goal is to increase the volume and impact of farmers’ opinions and concerns.

Nominar un agricultor

The Global Farmer Network is developing agricultural leaders around the world. To nominate a farmer or yourself for consideration to be invited to be a member of the Global Farmer Network, please follow the link here.

Inscriu-te per rebre actualitzacions setmanals

Llegiu i compartiu noves perspectives sobre gairebé qualsevol tema. Tothom és benvingut.
  • 01Últimes notícies dels agricultors de tot el món
  • 02Opcions de formació exclusives per a agricultors
* = camp obligatori
butlletí imatge dreta